To perform the necessary data gathering for evaluation of soil and geological conditions, our firm has an equipment complement which includes: Truck-mounted Rigs – one Failing 1500, two Mobile B-53s, one Mobile B-57, one Simco 2400, one all-terrain vehicle-mounted Mobile B-53 and one all-terrain vehicle-mounted Hilyard Super rig. Special sampling and field testing has also been accomplished using down-hole vane shear apparatus and cone penetrometers. Rock exploration capabilities include standard DX and NX coring and large diameter diamond and carbide coring as well as wireline coring.
Our exploration equipment is suitable for mounting on marine equipment. We have used tugboats with barges moored with four-point anchor spread, spud barges and sectional barges. We have drilled in major streams, such as the Mississippi River and Arkansas River, lakes including Beaver Lake and Lake Hamilton, and smaller bodies of water.